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Haltermann Carless Blog

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Lubricants: NSF certification offers food safety

Lubricants: NSF certification offers food safety

Lubricants and process oils are a basic prerequisite for long-lasting and smoothly operating machinery. High quality requirements are placed on these products if they could potentially come into contact with beverages, food and animal feed. NSF certification focuses precisely on this case and certifies products such as lubricants for safe use. In the following article, you can find out more about the NSF certification content, the different NSF categories and what advantages certified products offer. 

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Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) - solution for climate-neutral flying

Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) - solution for climate-neutral flying

The urgency of sustainability and environmental protection is setting the agenda for modern aviation. With rising passenger numbers, increasing air freight volumes and specific political directives, the search for alternatives to fossil-based aviation fuels and effective strategies to reduce COemissions is intensifying. In this context, alternative fuels - Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) - are proving to be a key innovation for achieving climate-neutral air travel. Learn more about the various technological solutions and discover which strategies have already been transformed from visionary concepts into tangible realities.

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Water treatment: What are the advantages of flocculation?

Water treatment: What are the advantages of flocculation?

Water management is a key component of greater sustainability for industry, as well as for local communities and cities. In addition to reducing water consumption, a major focus is on reuse and therefore on water treatment. Various processes help to purify the water in the respective wastewater treatment stages and return it to the water cycle. Flocculation plays an important role in this - find out why here.

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Cyclopentane for more effective insulation of refrigerators

Cyclopentane for more effective insulation of refrigerators

Household appliances are usually power guzzlers. When it comes to their energy consumption, refrigerators hold a special position - after all, they operate 24/7 and are never switched off. The demand for energy-efficient appliances is consequently growing strongly. So is the demand from refrigerator manufacturers for high-quality insulation. Find out which factors are crucial for high insulation performance in refrigerators and how Haltermann Carless contributes to this.

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ISCC in the chemical industry: Mass balance products & benefits

ISCC in the chemical industry: Mass balance products & benefits

Sustainable management and production are now central components of many corporate organisations in the chemical industry. However, there are also challenges associated with this - particularly in the area of transparency of raw material properties and implementation in production processes. Traceability and recognised certifications play an important role here. Find out here how this can be achieved with mass balance products and ISCC PLUS certification.

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Water treatment: New Pilot® oils for flocculants

Water treatment: New Pilot® oils for flocculants

Flocculation is an important process in wastewater treatment plants. Various flocculants are used in this process. They are responsible for causing solids to agglomerate into larger clusters so that they can be better separated from the water to be purified. Haltermann Carless now offers new low-viscosity base oils for water treatment. As a carrier fluid for polyacrylamide emulsions, Pilot® H products are characterised by their technical improvements and, above all, by their low aromatic content and biodegradability. Find out more about the advantages of our new Pilot® oils for flocculants.

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Sustainable production: Haltermann Carless uses regional wind energy

Sustainable production: Haltermann Carless uses regional wind energy

Haltermann Carless is a leading supplier of sustainable hydrocarbons for the Life Science, Mobility, Energy and Industry sectors. Production takes place at two German sites, among others, and requires a corresponding amount of electricity. With the support of the local municipal utility, this is now being made more environmentally friendly - with wind energy from the region.

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Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ) process can help deliver sustainable flying

Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ) process can help deliver sustainable flying

Sustainable flying is increasingly likely to become a reality with the introduction of Sustainable Aviation Fuels (SAF). In September 2023 the Europen Parliament approved the bloc’s Sustainable Aviation Fuel mandates in the push to dramatically cut aviation emissions. There is a growing demand for action as the legal framework and SAF quota commitments by the airlines begin to take shape. The Alcohol-to-Jet (AtJ) process is one of several production options. You can find out exactly how it works and what advantages it offers here.

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Durable silicone sealants thanks to Haltermann Carless' Pilot® extender oil

Durable silicone sealants thanks to Haltermann Carless' Pilot® extender oil

Sealing joints and gaps is one of man's oldest craft activities. Today, silicone sealants are among the first choice and are indispensable in the construction industry and for DIY enthusiasts - whether for windows and doors, in the bathroom or the kitchen. This important material convinces with many special properties. Our Pilot® extender oils play an important role in this. You can find out exactly which ones in our article.

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CBD production: How is this natural substance extracted?

CBD production: How is this natural substance extracted?

Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, is an extract of the female hemp plant that has recently become freely available in the EU. Unlike THC (tetrahydrocannabinol), it is not psychoactive and therefore does not have an intoxicating effect. Rather, the molecule is said to have anticonvulsant and anti-inflammatory effects. We asked ourselves, “How are these natural substances extracted?” Read more about CBD production here.

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