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The advantages of NSF certification for low-viscosity base oils

Jul 23, 2024 , Dr. André Rosehr

The advantages of NSF certification for low-viscosity base oils


Certifications guarantee independent testing and fulfil legal requirements. Above all, however, they create trust in products and their ingredients. In food and beverage production, but also in many other companies where food and machinery come into contact, NSF certification of lubricants or process oils is of great importance. It is a seal of quality and stands for food safety. The following article explains the benefits for manufacturers, suppliers and customers in the food processing industry.  


Safe food production thanks to NSF certification

The requirements for food safety are high and strictly regulated. This also affects products that are used in the manufacturing process of food in equipment and machinery. In gear wheels, chains and other moving parts, lubricants and process oils minimise friction, provide cooling and offer corrosion protection. They increase the efficiency and service life of machines and equipment, making them indispensable in production. It is therefore particularly important that the use of these products complies with strict food safety requirements. The same applies to their ingredients, such as the low-viscosity base oils.


Did you know?

The proportion of base oils in lubricants varies depending on the type and application of the lubricant. Typically, a lubricant consists of around 70% to 99% base oil. The rest is made up of additives that give the lubricant specific properties, such as wear protection, corrosion protection and viscosity improvement. In many commercially available lubricants, the base oil content is around 80% to 90%.


NSF certification along the value chain

The international organisation → institution National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) inspects products for permissible ingredients in the context of foodstuffs and tests them for safety to health. Lubricants for the food industry are divided into different categories (H1, H2, H3, 3H).  

The aim of NSF certification H1 is to guarantee food-safety of a lubricant or process oil for use in the production process. This means that lubricants or process oils receive NSF certification H1 if no or only unintentional contact with food is to be expected under normal operating conditions. For H1 lubricants, only raw materials that are listed in the NSF White Book or comply with the specifications in the Code of Federal Regulation (CFR) may be used.

NSF H1 certified products are a safe and trustworthy solution. As the only international registration of its kind, it offers manufacturers, suppliers of raw materials and intermediate products as well as end consumers extensive benefits, such as:

  • Consumer protection & food safety
  • Product confidence
  • High quality standard
  • Independent testing
  • Fulfilment of regulatory requirements


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Lubricants with NSF certification require certified base oils

Lubricants and process oils with NSF certification in category H1 must be made from equally certified raw materials. As the most important component of lubricants, the low-viscosity base oils used must therefore also be certified accordingly. Haltermann Carless, for example, offers an extensive portfolio of base oils. The products have been used for many years under the brand name Pilot® in a wide range of demanding industrial applications. 

With Pilot® 200R, Pilot® 261R, Pilot® 400H, Pilot® 500H and Pilot® 900, the chemical company now offers a range of selected base oils with NSF H1 certification. These Pilot® grades fulfil the high quality standards of the food processing industry and are virtually aromatic-free. The low-viscosity base oils also impress with their technical properties such as high temperature resistance, solvent power, defined viscosities and customised boiling behaviour.


Technical information on Pilot® base oils can be found → in the Product Database.



Lubricants and process oils are indispensable in food and beverage production. To ensure that these products are safe to use, the food processing industry relies on the NSF certification seal of approval. The NSF H1 certification guarantees the food safety of lubricants and process oils at first glance. Haltermann Carless offers a selected range of low-viscosity Pilot® oils with NSF certification and high quality features. Manufacturers of lubricants and process oils rely on the NSF-H1-certified base oils when it comes to food safety.


Find more information on NSF certified lubricants in the following blog articles:


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Topics: Food Industry, Middle Distillates

Dr. André Rosehr

Dr. André Rosehr

Dr. André Rosehr is the linking interface between customers, sales and production in his role as Manager Technical Services & Development. He is the technical contact for Performance Solvents, Middle Distillates and Renewable Products. His focus is on new product development, evaluation of new feedstocks and accommodating the transformation to renewable and sustainable hydrocarbon products at Haltermann Carless. T: +49 40 333 18 166 email:


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