Haltermann Carless supply chain services play an absolute key role in supporting our customers.
Our traditional values such as customer focus and individuality are also consistently implemented in the area of our supply chain. Our flexibility enables us to supply our customers in 90 countries worldwide, via an international transport network with partners in Europe, Asia, Africa and North America and by using all common modes of transport such as road, rail, inland waterways, sea and air freight.
Delivery scope: We take extraordinary paths
Depending on our customer's demands, we continuously develop new delivery concepts and sometimes take exceptional paths. This already starts with the delivery quantity: Haltermann Carless' largest delivery volume to date of 15 million litres in an ocean-going vessel is matched by 0.15 litres of reference fuel as the smallest delivery unit.
Learn more about our supply chain solutions at our production sites Harwhich (UK), Hamburg (D) and Speyer (D).

Digitalisation: We don't just move our products
In addition to the transport route itself, processes and service are constantly being improved and geared to the future and the latest trends.
Digitalisation is one of the main topics that Haltermann Carless is intensively promoting. We have implemented, for example, the tracking of deliveries by sea. Customers will then be able to track their goods precisely and thus have greater planning security. A similar project for tracking trucks by land with direct information to customers is also installed. We have also introduced Time Slot Booking, which means that trucks can be dispatched on time and do not have to wait long for their loading or unloading - a great time and cost saving for everyone in the supply chain and a service for our customers.

Compliance: Our suppliers are our strength
We take responsibility - not only for our workforce, workplaces and manufactured products, but also for the careful management of our supply chain. This includes close and trustful cooperation with our suppliers to procure raw materials and materials responsibly.
Compliance with legal requirements as well as commitments to sustainable, human, ethical and social behavior is the basic prerequisite for our cooperation with partners. This is the only way to prevent compliance risks such as breaches of regulations, laws or international agreements and the resulting delivery problems.

Flexibility: customers wish for individual delivery concepts
Our customers expect the highest quality standards from our wide range of products, which are used in the pharmaceutical industry, the household appliance sector and also for the production of low-emission fuels and biofuels. At the same time, they appreciate our flexibility with regard to means of transport, routes, storage capacity, packaging requirements, delivery dates and packaging sizes.
Flexibility and customer focus are good prerequisites for a high delivery capacity in the face of changing demands. With our individual delivery concepts, we make a significant contribution to counteracting bottlenecks in a targeted manner and keeping our delivery promise to our customers.